“If you’re not in it, you can’t win it!”
Southern Area Hospice Services is reminding people that there are just two weeks left to enter the draw to win a brand new Citroen C1 car supported by The Donnelly Group and the Oak Centre, Dungannon.
On Saturday the 30th June, the lucky winner of a brand new Citroen C1 (pictured) will be announced at 4pm in the Oak Centre, Dungannon. With tickets priced only £1 for this fantastic prize, don’t miss the opportunity to be in with a chance to win. Una Fegan, Regional Marketing Officer for the Southern Area Hospice, Dungannon urged people to get involved saying, “We have had a great response to the inaugural ‘Win a Car’ competition in Dungannon. This prize draw is a great opportunity for the people of Dungannon to support the local Hospice services in the area with the chance of getting something amazing back.”
“Southern Area Hospice is committed to caring for local people through our Day Hospice Unit on the D Floor of the South Tyrone Hospital, Outpatient Clinics, Bereavement Support Services and Home Care through our Community Nurses; the support of local people in Dungannon is greatly appreciated.”
Tickets are available for £1 from the Oak Centre and the Hospice Shop, Irish Street Dungannon until the 30th June. Those who received tickets in the post should return them to the Hospice in the freepost envelope by Tuesday 26th June. You can also get your hands on tickets in the Oaks Centre, Dungannon until 30th June at 4pm when the lucky winner will be drawn.
Alternatively call at the Day Hospice in Dungannon on a Tuesday or Wednesday to get your ticket or calling us directly in the Fundraising office on (028) 3025 1333.
For more info visit our website on www.southernareahospiceservices.org ENDS For further press information please contact Patrick McShane, Stakeholder Communications on 028 90339949