Hey everyone …we thought we would share this with you all as it’s something you might be interested in taking part in.  Games will consist of football and various other sports all for some fun and to keep fit. You can get sponsored to get fit for five weeks, or you may just pay £50 up front. Either way it’s a minimum donation of £50.

Saturday 30th May is registration day  …Hopefully everything is self explanatory on the posters but please ask if you wish to know anything more or need anything explained. 

We have people signing up to take part who do very little exercise in their daily lives at the minute who will really enjoy the guidance given by those around. We also have activities based for people who would like to challenge themselves even more who are currently at a good level of fitness. Please understand this I’d for all ages and abilities. We would love to see as many people from Dungannon get involved in what will be a great community event for the next five weeks. Hopefully making new friends and having plenty of FUN along the route.

You pick your activities that you wish to attend. You decide what’s right for you. You can change them every week. 

See you all Sat between 12pm & 3pm to sign up.

Thank you!