Player Shirt Sponsorship Update
The club are now taking orders for player shirt sponsorship for the forthcoming season. Each player will have a home and away Shirt with their name and number on the back of them. (Last season there were only numbers on the shirts).
The cost of sponsorship is £50 per Shirt.
Your £50 sponsorship will include the match worn shirt of your chosen player, which can be signed for you if you wish. There will also be a photograph opportunity for you to be pictured with your chosen player. Your name will appear in our Match day programme at every home fixture, be included on the club website and also on our Facebook page (unless you would prefer to remain anonymous).
Some Shirts have already been sponsored, so if you wish to Sponsor any particular player please let us know ASAP so you don’t miss out. Player Shirt Sponsorship will be on a first come first served basis.
The following players all have their shirts already sponsored:
Craig McClean (home and away)
Ryan Mullan (home)
Niall Morgan (home)
Dermot McCaffrey (home and away)
Darren Murphy (home and away)
Michael Funston (home and away)
Terry Fitzpatrick (home and away)
Shea Campbell (away)
Michael McKerr (home)
Ryan McCluskey (home and away)
Michael Ward (home and away)
PJ Lavery (home and away)
Stefan Lavery (home and away)
Shea McGerrigan (home)
The list will be updated as and when Shirts are sold.
There are a number of Shirts left which are available to sponsor:
Ryan mullan (away)
Johnny Montgomery (home & away)
Shea Campbell (home)
Shea McGerrigan (away)
Michael McKerr(away)
Aidan Forker (home & away)
Conor Forker (home & away)
Philip Donnelly (home & away)
We look forward to hearing from you.